Commenter guidelines
We want to encourage intelligent discussion and debate on the Voice4Change England (V4CE) website. The rules for commenters are in place to foster discussion and make sure all users are properly protected from abuse and discrimination on the V4CE website.
If a comment does not sit within the commenter guidelines, it will not be published. If you have concerns about any comments on the site, please email our Administration Officer or press the ‘report’ button.
We want to encourage intelligent discussion and debate on the Voice4Change England (V4CE) website. The rules for commenters are in place to foster discussion and make sure all users are properly protected from abuse and discrimination on the V4CE website.
If a comment does not sit within the commenter guidelines, it will not be published. If you have concerns about any comments on the site, please email our Administration Officer or press the ‘report’ button.
No abusive or discriminatory material
Abusive, violent, obscene or discriminatory comments will not be tolerated. This includes any form of abusive or discriminatory material aimed at a group or individual based on race, economic status, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or faith. -
Use your real name
Register using your real name and a valid email address (we'll keep your email secret). -
Don’t be personal
V4CE encourage robust debate but personal attacks on individuals or personal squabbling will not be permitted. Material which is defamatory, inflammatory or offensive will not be published. -
Links to other sites
You are welcome to add links to your own website or elsewhere, providing you are not promoting a commercial service or for-profit venture. -
Be relevant
Your comment should relate in some way to the post or other comments. Comments that are irrelevant to the post or subsequent discussion will not be published. -
Please do not upload anything without obtaining the copyright owner’s permission, but do consider linking to online content to further a discussion. Uploaded or contributed material that breaches any laws will be removed. -
This is your community
It's down to you to create the discussions you feel passionate about, find inspiration from other people and learn from their experiences. If you see something on the V4CE website you think needs improving or have a discussion topic you’d like to suggest, please email our Administration Officer or call us on 020 7697 4242.
Data Protection Act 1998
When you register, your information will be treated in strict confidence according to the Data Protection Act 1998. We may use your information to send you further information about V4CE. We will not pass on your information to any third party or use it for any other purpose.