About the Programme
As a Voice4Change England member, you will receive niche support and innovative solutions for the survival of your organisation. You will gain entry to a unique networking space for collaborations and peer mentoring.
Why you should become a member
As a Voice4Change England member, you will receive niche support and innovative solutions for the survival of your organisation. You will gain entry to a unique networking space for collaborations and peer mentoring.
Why you should become a member
Join V4CE today
We have brought three national support organisations together to give you easy access to better, integrated and tailored services. Find the exact support services you need, when you need them most.
This collaboration (the first of its kind between generic and specialist support providers) will ensure a better fit for BME organisations by offering a suite of complementary generic and specialist support and services from all partner organisations, based on the strengths and specialisms of each.
Hear from our members
There was a real threat that organisations lke our would close down in an attempt to absorb services in the generic sector. But V4CE represented our voice to policy makers and successfully fought this agenda.
Zlakha Ahmed, Apna Haq
As well as promoting the voice of the North West's BME voluntary and community sector, V4CE has supported a stronger sector through training programmes on the Compact and Public Law
Daniel Silver, Co-ordinator, One North West
Our joint programme with V4CE has been a great success. It has enabled us to extend our reach with the BME sector. Working closely with V4CE has meant we can develop resources that are relevant and appropriate to their members.
Andy Gregg, Chief Executive, Charities Evaluation Services