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Writer's pictureToni Kan

How Mental Health affects Black and Minoritised Communities

Updated: May 21, 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic took a huge toll on the world. In the UK, the adult population according to a 2021 “Ethnicity Spotlight” report and irrespective of ethnic group, have reported declines in mental health and wellbeing with women in the majority.

While the report notes that evidence is not enough to confidently assess the impact of the pandemic on mental health and wellbeing by ethnic grouping, findings indicate that Black, Asian and minority ethnic men (when considered together) have reported a worse decline in mental health and wellbeing than White British men since the pandemic.

This trend is not new. The Shaw Review published In the UK in 2016 indicated that migrants and asylum seekers placed in immigration detention also faced significant mental health challenges. These findings require consideration as we commemorate mental health week (May 15 – 21) in the UK.

Only 30% of ethnic minority communities feel comfortable talking about their thoughts and feelings because of stigma.
60% of People from ethnic minority communities are unsure whether their mental health issues are serious enough to need support.
53% of people from ethnic minority communities are concerned about the financial cost involved.
47% of people from Black and Minoritised communities have personal fears and doubts and not sure they would be able to find relevant mental health support.
49% (1 in 2) of people from Black and Minoritised communities would likely go to their therapist or mental health professional for help.
Only 6% of survey respondents considered sport/physical activity a type of mental health support.

These statistics distilled from Mind’s “Race and mental health Identifying the role of Mind in building the anti-racism movement within the mental health sector” makes clear that “there are deep-rooted racial inequalities within the mental health system and this must change. People from ethnic minority communities are more likely to experience a mental health problem, less likely to receive support, and have poorer outcomes from services.”

V4CE is and will continue to advocate for the Black and Minoritised communities.



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