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Public Discussion on Riot Sentencing

  1. When: Monday 10th October 2011, 7:00pm-9:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)

  1. Where: Vortex downstairs

This event has been organised in response to the reactionary and damaging prison sentences currently handed out to accused rioters.

  1. When: Monday 10th October 2011, 7:00pm-9:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)

  1. Where: Vortex downstairs

This event has been organised in response to the reactionary and damaging prison sentences currently handed out to accused rioters.

Speakers include:

  1. Partick Vernon, The Afiya Trust

  2. Andrew Nielson, Howard League for Penal Refom

  3. Sarah McSherry, Christian Kahn, Head of Actions Against the Police Department and member of StopWatch



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