Voice4Change England announce appointment of new Independent Chair
14 February 2011
Elizabeth Balgobin has today been named as the new Independent Chair of Voice4Change England (V4CE). Elizabeth joins V4CE as the former CEO of Charities Evaluation Services.
Voice4Change England announce appointment of new Independent Chair
14 February 2011
Elizabeth Balgobin has today been named as the new Independent Chair of Voice4Change England (V4CE). Elizabeth joins V4CE as the former CEO of Charities Evaluation Services.
She brings to the role a long history of effective leadership within voluntary and community sector (VCS) infrastructure organisations. As an equalities consultant she developed a highly regarded training model which promoted collaboration in equality forums and training on the new Equality Act.
Elizabeth says: “I am delighted to be joining V4CE, an organisation dedicated to supporting the Black and Minority Ethnic VCS and ensuring equality is not forgotten as the Government seek to reduce the deficit. As small BME voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) face devastating spending cuts, the role of V4CE as a specialist infrastructure body becomes more essential than ever.
A judicial review recently ruled that London Councils had ignored their duty to carry out thorough equality impact assessments before cutting huge amounts of funding to voluntary services. This is a timely reminder of the challenges VCOs now face.
Trusted and recognised by policy makers, V4CE occupy a unique position to support threatened VCOs and the vulnerable communities they serve. Recently incorporated, V4CE are now better placed than ever to create new platforms of influence for the BME VCS and promote their vital role in creating a Big AND inclusive Society”.
Elizabeth will be presiding over V4CE’s new democratic governance structure. From this year, board members will be elected from across the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to ensure openness and transparency.
Caryl Agard, former Chair of Voice4Change England says: “During my time at V4CE, I have watched a small partnership organisation grow into a respected independent body. As I step down as Chair of V4CE, I am pleased to be passing the role into such capable hands. Elizabeth’s work history demonstrates a commitment to equality and a talent for delivering energising, high quality leadership. I am convinced Elizabeth is the right person to guide V4CE through this new and exciting stage in their development and the uncertain times that lay ahead.”
Notes to Editor
About Voice4Change England
Voice4Change England (V4CE) is a national support organisation for the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Since 2007 we have operated as a strategic partner of the Office for Civil Society. We are a leading voice in public policy and inform and influence practice that has a direct affect on the development, delivery and impact of BME voluntary and community organisations (VCOs). We support the sector to build its capacity and secure resources to meet the needs of vulnerable and excluded communities.
Our mission at V4CE is to ensure public policy meets the needs of BME communities by valuing and supporting BME VCOs to challenge inequality and strengthen civil society.
For more information please contact Vandna Gohil, Director on 0207 843 6131