Voice4Change England have been commissioned by the Office for Civil Society to advise on its Big Society initiative. The decision was welcomed by the organisation, who have been campaigning for equalities organisations to have a place at the top Government policmaking table.
Voice4Change England have been commissioned by the Office for Civil Society to advise on its Big Society initiative. The decision was welcomed by the organisation, who have been campaigning for equalities organisations to have a place at the top Government policmaking table.
Vandna Gohil, Director of Voice4Change England said, Voice4Change England is being commissioned to advise the Office for Civil Society on how Big Society policies can address inequality and this means that the voice of BME communities will heard at top decision making tables – this is what we were campaigning for! We will champion and support the BME voluntary and community sector to build a Big Inclusive Society.
The contract will give V4CE the opportunity to represent BME voluntary and community organisations who serve disadvantaged black and minority ethnic communities in the implementation of the Government's Big Society agenda.
The organisation's Big Unfair Society campaign had an incredible amount of support and will continue to give voice to the sector's concerns about the impact of emerging policies on the communities they support.
Follow Coverage
Office for Civil Society gives former strategic partners advisory role (Third Sector, 9 June 2011)
Editorial: Ministers may be flexible after all (Third Sector, 13 June 2011)