Charities that are based outside London and meet the eligibility criteria could receive a bursary to attend a CES training course at
Charities Evaluation Services (CES) training venue in London.
CES have recently been awarded a grant from The Lankelly Chase Foundation to offer a bursary scheme for non-London organisations to attend CES training. The bursary can be used to attend either a one-day or two-day course.
Charities that are based outside London and meet the eligibility criteria could receive a bursary to attend a CES training course at
Charities Evaluation Services (CES) training venue in London.
CES have recently been awarded a grant from The Lankelly Chase Foundation to offer a bursary scheme for non-London organisations to attend CES training. The bursary can be used to attend either a one-day or two-day course.
Who is eligible?
Any organisation in England that is NOT in a London borough:
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender/ Refugee Community Organisation/ Asylum/
Black Asian and Minority Ethnic/ (dis)ability/ women/ marginalised or hard to reach groups that fall in our small or medium pricing category
Any other organisation that is not in a London borough that falls in our small pricing category (where it is an organisation and not a consultant or sole trader).